Alice Frost

Alice Frost

Friday, September 4, 2015

No Book Is Perfect

A few days ago I wrote a post about publishing. I'm sure that you will see it if you keep scrolling. But as I was *cough* procrastinating *cough* I came across a post on DeviantArt that was very true. The journal was titled Is Your Skin Too Thin? ( ) and it was very true.

Being an author isn't easy. Yes I talk about being a new author but I'm not, I have published before and it didn't go very well. People didn't like my work or didn't understand it. Some down right hated it. But guess what? That is ok. It made me take a look at my writing and decide how I am going to change for the better. I love the stories I write but I also have to remember that I am not going to please everyone and that just because no one bought a copy today doesn't mean that they hate it. Sometimes it is hard to remember that being a bestselling author takes a lot of hard work and time.

Yes it takes time. Time and continual learning. Even Stephen King's writing has changed since his very first book. Because authors are continually learning and changing. Things they wrote about two years ago may no longer be popular or the slang they used may not be used anymore. If you read a book from the 70s or 80s it is going to be different from how things are written now.

Now there are plenty of books, articles, blogs, whatever out there that tell you how to write the PERFECT book. FYI no book is perfect. I still find bloopers or misspelling or grammar mishaps even in a bestselling authors books. Is it in all of them? No. Is it their fault? Not always sometimes during the editing process things don't get fixed or the fixed area doesn't make it to the printing press/ebook. But not every book is perfect and not everyone is going to love your book. But as long as YOU love your book who cares.

Think of your book as your kid. Would you love your child less if he/she had flaws? I hope you said no there. No one is perfect. Except deities and sometimes they have flaws too. So please remember that just because you got a bad review or you go a couple days without any sales it doesn't mean the end of the world.

Now if you are getting bad reviews because you sent your 'finished' product to Amazon/other ebook platforms before editing for spelling, grammar, etc then you need to take it as constructive criticism and seriously take another look at your manuscript. Editing is an essential part of the writing process. "But I don't want to edit it. It is fine." Guess what buttercup you better suck it up and double check because you may think it is fine but you need to check to make sure. Take a green/purple pen to your printed copy and start fixing. Triple Threat had hardly any edits at the beginning of it but by the time I came to the end I was slaughtering it. I even back over the beginning in a different color.

So I will end my blog here and say that if you plan on publishing your book just remember that a lot of hard work goes into it, even if you have to research some of the steps to edit and revise. It is ok if you don't know every step. Research is your friend and your friends are sometimes even willing to give you a look at it and critique it.

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