Alice Frost

Alice Frost

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Species Compilation of Trinity Mates

This is my compile of all the different species we come across in Book 1 of the Trinity Mates.
Freorian, Hydrakian, Draconian - Human in appearance, the closer to the original blood line they are the more dragon like abilities they possess. Their height can range anywhere from 5' to 7' tall, mainly between 5' and 6' 6'' tall. Their life expectancy can span centuries. All three species are at war with each other.
Terran - Terrans are human in appearance and physiology. The main difference between the two are that Terrans live much longer than humans. They normally extend their lives even more by exchanging biological body parts for cybernetic ones.
Criptian - Small mammalian beings who are very intelligent. Their features can range from those of a mouse to those of a raccoon. All are no taller than 4' and they are the natural prey to the Kartorians.
Kartorian - Lizard like beings that stand anywhere from 6' tall to 9' tall depending on age and gender. The smaller the Kartorian to weaker they are considered. Most leave their home planet due to the harassment of the larger Kartorian. They are a hostile and violent race known to cause mayhem where ever they go. Males are usually smaller than the females. An off world male Kartorian never breeds with a female of his own race. He usually kidnaps a female from any human like race.
Grenicks - Small amphibious beings known to be cannibalistic. They are very resilient and are known to travel in large groups. Kartorians are known to use them in battle as their first wave of attack.
Credorian - They are a small humanoid race that stand no taller than 4'. Even though they are highly advanced and intelligent they are very trusting and naive. Most become historians for cities, countries, or even entire worlds. A select few become accountants and investors.
Arachni - Spider-like beings. They are a horrible combination of human and spider. They have the ability to shift between the two forms and even shift into a hybrid of the two. They are mostly female. Females are exceedingly attractive and 'marry' men, use them to breed the next generation and then devour them. Males, who are also highly attractive, can only be found on their home planet. Males are much larger than females and are known to breed several females at once. If a female attempts to attack the male he tears her apart and leaves her for the other females.
If you haven't gotten your copy of Galaxing Around then you can pick one up right here: It is also available in paperback here:

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