Hi everyone sorry for the LONG period of silence. The holidays obliterated me. Though I can tell you that I am currently working on my next book and since some of you have been patiently waiting I will tell you what my new book is about. And no it isn't the next book in Millersburg.
The new series I am working on is called Trinity Mates. I am halfway-ish through book 1. I am trying to make these longer than my lovely shifters and I have shot my plot all to hell so I am totally pantstering this. Was that even a word? Anyway. This series takes place in a galaxy far, far away and involves space pirates/acquisitions experts. Yeah aliens. It seems to be a theme this month.... Don't judge.
I haven't typed anything up yet since I do things old school and write it down on paper first so give me a little bit long and I am hoping (fingers crossed) that I will be done with rough draft #1 soon and I can begin typing everything up and start giving you little snippets and teasers.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I know some of our loved ones can't be with us this time of year due to being overseas or in Heaven. Or hell depending on the person....
I was really enjoying Christmas. I received Darth Vader jammies from my mother and I was totally rocking those out all day long.
Well have a Happy New Year! Stay safe and drink responsibly!
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