Alice Frost

Alice Frost

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Panster or Plotter?

Am I a panster or a plotter? I am actually a mix of both. I do a light plot for my books and then I write by the seat of my pants trying to make sure I hit on the points I have plotted out. Sometimes I don't always get the point in one book but over an expanse of books. (Yes I know I have only published two so far.) But I felt that if I crammed every point I was trying to get across into the first book you would have missed out on meeting so many characters and getting to know them.

Am I always a light plotter? No. In fact most of my stories came about because I had a scene pop into my head and then jotted it down and then just kept adding to my collection of scenes and ideas. Then voila! I have the makings for a story.

I know some of you are probably following a lot of writing vlogs. I know I do. And I could probably talk about each of my blogs with you on a vlog but I hate having my picture taken and the idea of by caught on camera sends chills down my spine.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you that are celebrating this week. I know with extended family and job schedules that it isn't always possible to celebrate on Thanksgiving Day. For those of you that have to work today (like myself) I hope you all stay safe and have a happy holiday.

If you haven't checked out my Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, or Amazon page the links are below.


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