Alice Frost

Alice Frost

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New Blog

I will be slowly moving my blog over to WordPress. Don't worry I will still be updating on here as I do. I will announce when I have officially moved over there before I deactivate this one. I hate to do this but I can only do so much here on blogger. You can check out my new blog at I haven't put anything NEW on there I have only moved posts I feel have some relevancy. I am hoping to have some new posts on there within the next few weeks.

Here are the links to my social media:

My Books:
Triple Threat -
Taming An Alpha -

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Taming An Alpha is now .99 cents! Get it while you can! 

Here are the links to my social media:

My Books:
Triple Threat -
Taming An Alpha -

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Galaxing Around

This book is taking up all my free time. I could be sitting down reading a book, or taking a shower, and I'll start thinking about my characters. I have reached a larger number of pages than my first two novellas so this one might actually reach novel length.

I will be doing a few character guides and a few excerpts for ya'll. I am hoping to have the cover by the end of the month or beginning of February. As per my usual I am tearing my hair out because I can't wait to see the cover myself.

I am also hoping to figure out the title for MS3. This has been driving me nuts because I have the title figured out for MS4 and 5 but 3 is just kicking my butt. I have posted a poll on my twitter account with the possible titles. If you want to head on over there and give them a look it would be much appreciated.

Here are the links to my social media:

My Books:
Triple Threat -
Taming An Alpha -

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Writing with Depression

One of the reasons I haven't been on my A game is the fact that I have been dealing with a severe bout of depression. I am sorry for that. I know a lot of my readers have strayed away due to my inactivity and I am sorry that I caused that. But I can say that I do see the light from this current bout.

Now dealing with my depression hasn't been easy. It never is. It isn't easy for anyone. It's not like you can hit the switch from sad to happy. I know it's easy to flip that switch from happy to sad and that it is a struggle to flip it back. I have heard many things that I could do to 'fix' myself. There is no 'fixing' this there is only making it through the storm. And each of us is very different from the other so my way of making it through the storm will be different from your way.

One of the things I have been told I can do is get myself on medication. Yes this might help for some people but after several years of depression and anxiety I've learned that meds and me don't mix. I become angry and downright hateful. This is not a good thing. Not for me or my family.

I'm sure you are wondering why I titled this Writing with Depression. I have gotten into a habit that when I feel my depression coming on I grab my notebook and force myself to write. This isn't always easy. But if you are writing a sad or angry scene I found that it helps me through this. I have also learned that if I am battling depression I also end up with uber sappy love scenes. Not sex scenes. Love scenes. Scenes where one is professing their love but the other is just not ready or doesn't trust the person. Yea, I'm mean like that.

Is this method going to work for everyone? No. I used to write poetry. Very horrible poetry at that. I've also found that by doing something different like coloring, painting, dancing, singing, or even crocheting. Yes, I crochet. But doing these things help.

When I was younger I used to walk to the park and then walk the trails, then walk back to my house. Unfortunately I can no longer do that due to me being a single mom and I refuse to leave my child alone in the house. Yes, I am a protective parent. Every parent should be. But that is not part of this post. I get sidetracked enough as it is.

Anyway, what I am saying is that don't let depression get to you. Yes it happens but don't let it rule your life. You are the king/queen of your life and you can do what you want (as long as it isn't breaking any laws). If you want to write that novel but feel that you just don't have the strength to pick up the pencil or put your fingers on a keyboard then that should give you even more motivation to do it. Don't let depression or anxiety rule you.

I haven't written a post like this for a while and this was long overdue. Can I say that there will be more posts like this in the future? I have no clue. My nicely plotted out plan for blogs and my writing was blown out of the water. So keep an eye out for future posts.

Here are the links to my social media:

My Books:
Triple Threat -
Taming An Alpha -

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Quarterly Goals

I know that I have been away and I apologize. But I am happy to say that I have made some goals for me to achieve in the coming months. Thank you Jenna Moreci for the idea of doing quarterly goals. I will be doing this every quarter so I can either fess up to not doing them or tell you all that I have something awesome coming.

My Quarterly Goals

  • Look into publishing on BN and other platforms
  • Get some SWAG
  • Host a giveaway
  • Clean my desk off
  • Finish writing Galaxing Around
  • Start on M.S. 3
  • Spend time de-stressing (away from the child)
  • Read a new book
  • Organize my notes... Again
  • Go to the park (with the child)
  • Find a virtual assistant
  • Get more beta readers

Here are the links to my social media:

My Books:
Triple Threat -
Taming An Alpha -

Friday, January 8, 2016

Quick Update

I have been working on my next book diligently but I though I would have been done by now. Nope, I am still working on it and I am not even close with being done with it. So my plan for this week, since I am on a mini vacation from work, is to bust through this book and start on Millersburg Book 3. Oh, I also have a working title for my current project.

I can definitely say that the manuscript that I am working on is most likely going to be the longest story I publish, though since I haven't started on M3 then I won't know for certain. I do have a working title for my next book and will hopefully have the cover next week along with another wonderful surprise.

I am hoping to get back into the swing of things with my blog updates and whatnot. I will start giving myself monthly goals. I will also be bringing my zombie blog back online. It sort of crashed and burned during the holiday season.

I would write about my goals and expectations of myself but I haven't quite gotten all of them written down yet. As soon as I do I will tell all of you on here.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year, New Things

As I am writing this it is only the 3rd day into the new year and I can honestly say it has been a very rocky start. I am sure some of you remember that I am a working single mom. (I know others have it worse off) but my new manager has already told me that I suck at my job (those words in a polite, correct wording) and that if I don't fix it then he will replace me. Yay! Right?

Now I am looking for some way to work from home. I have found a couple of good possibilities which is great but until I have a steady income things will be kind of rocky for us. I can't say how often I will be able to get on here until things are more stable but I am still working on my next book which as you know is not part of the Millersburg Shifters. I do have plans for 2016 and I am hoping that they come to fruitation this year as well.

So in closing (of this post) I can only say that with a new year brings new changes, new things. I hope your new year is fruitful and inspiring.

Alice Frost