So I was scrolling through Pinterest and came across
this. Some of the questions asked I had no answer for. FYI these are not verbatim.
1. What's your book about?
It's a paranormal romance and can be found on Amazon
2. Did you self-publish and are you making money? Yes I did. *snorts and laughs hysterically*
3. How long did it take you to write your book? 2 years
4.Why should I read your book? Because it is amazing and I would love for you to fall in love with the characters like I have.
5. As a writer what are you good at? I am good at imagining fantastical worlds and bringing them to life. (Book I am referring to has not been published yet.)
Questions 4 and 5 I really had to think about and my answers are probably not the best ones out there but they work for me. Are these all the questions an author is going to be asked? No.
I have met some people who want an in depth explanation of your book which pretty much tells them the whole story and then they never read it. I have found that just replying with my blurb is the best course of action.
I have even been asked if I was ever going to go through a traditional publisher. Um... I've only published one book and my second one is up for pre order. I don't know if I would go through a traditional publishing company. I might. I might not. I honestly don't know.
Then the one that killed me. Am I going to find your book at my local book store? This hurt. I would love to be able to see my books on shelves at book stores but I am not going to be offering a paperback version of my books until after book 3 has been published. I don't feel that my stories have enough meat on their bones to offer a paperback version for each one.
But each author is different and so is each series. When I started writing the Millersburg Shifters series I knew they would not be very long stories. Just like my spin off series Millersburg Agents. These are just to create my niche in the publishing world.
Do I have other stories planned? Yes I do and some of them are nothing like my Millersburg Shifters. I don't only write paranormal romance. I also write about zombies, fantasy worlds, outer-space, and undersea worlds.
I've already divulged more than I want to so I am going to stop with these final words of wisdom. Each author is different. Just like each book is different. Never compare yourself to others otherwise your story will never get written. You have a voice inside of you that wants out. If you keep pushing that voice to the wayside it won't be there when you are finally ready to write down what it is telling you.